Improv is the New Mindfulness

Over the last few years, the evolution of Improv went from being a spectator sport to being touted as a necessary survival skill for the 21st Century. I’ll bet you, or someone you know, has taken an Improv class, and it would not surprise me if they loved the experience. Maybe to the point of … Read more

Managing the Dash: The Key to Successful Stress Management

  A few of years ago I was on a small plane flying from Chicago to Milwaukee. The plane ran into some heavy turbulence and starting bouncing through the air like a rock skipping over a pond. Every time the plane would hit a bump, I’d grip the sides of my seat, because I thought … Read more

Prevent Hardening of the Attitudes with Humor

  “Laughter is the salt of personality. Its presence is an evidence of good nature, of the appreciation of the real values of life and a lack of tenseness. It is the most effective means of easing a difficult situation.” — George Gow It is generally agreed that good sense — and a good sense … Read more

Re-Moralizing Ourselves Through Humor

  “Morale — the level of individual psychological well-being based on such factors as a sense of purpose and confidence in the future.” It is not surprising that people feel demoralized these days. As our society continues through a social, political, and economic metamorphosis, many folks are caught in the midst of tremendous turmoil wrought … Read more

People Assess Your Value/Reputation Based on How Your Actions Impact Their Emotions

  Early on in my programs, I invite a volunteer to come up and learn an Improv game. Generally, there are very few takers. I then ask for some of the folks who hadn’t volunteered to share what thinking they went through that kept their hands from going up. The reasons are many. Among the most common answers are: … Read more