Not Just For Laughs: 4 Social Functions of Humor in Our Lives

I’ve been studying humor for a long time. It’s a fascinating subject that is a universal human trait, both highly esteemed and easily dismissed.  My first realization that humor was more than just a descriptor for something funny came in a comedy writing and performing class I took in NYC. There I learned that comedy … Read more

It’s Not the Improv, It’s the Improvisor

Last blog looked at the growing use of Applied Improv, described as the adaptation of Improv theater principles and practices to a wide-ranging and expanding variety of non-theatrical situations. I call Applied Improv the “Type O” of skillsets because of its universal usefulness. The evidence for its range comes from my Google Alert which is … Read more

Improv is the New Mindfulness

Over the last few years, the evolution of Improv went from being a spectator sport to being touted as a necessary survival skill for the 21st Century. I’ll bet you, or someone you know, has taken an Improv class, and it would not surprise me if they loved the experience. Maybe to the point of … Read more

Managing the Dash: The Key to Successful Stress Management

  A few of years ago I was on a small plane flying from Chicago to Milwaukee. The plane ran into some heavy turbulence and starting bouncing through the air like a rock skipping over a pond. Every time the plane would hit a bump, I’d grip the sides of my seat, because I thought … Read more

The Way We Laughed

  A few years ago I set out to explore the way people laughed throughout this century. With the help of several grants and hundreds of Senior Citizens between the ages of 60 and 95, I not only gained insight into the ways they laughed but also into how we today can make ourselves happier. … Read more